
PHP: Get remote File Size

PHP: Get remote image properties

PHP: Url rewrite using regular expression.

Perl: Base64 encoding decoding

Perl: Generate MD5 Hash string

PHP: Get server response header by request HEAD

PHP: How to check UserAgent?

Linux: Count lines inside a file

MySql: substr of string using substring_index()

Perl: How to sort string elements?

Ruby: Use variable inside Regex

Perl: Regular expression to squeeze spaces

Regex to match same consecutive characters

Perl: Detect an array like is_array() of PHP

Perl: Remove duplicate elements from list

Perl: How to delete file?

Perl: Make multilevel directories

Perl: Print from hash using each

Perl: Returning array reference from function.

Perl: Passing array reference to another function

Perl: Invoke variable using other variable

Perl Python CGI script page redirection

Perl: Call function using a variable

number of digits in int64

Perl: convert character array to string

Ruby: Create a Web Spider.

Ruby: Determination of Palindrome

Ruby: Regular Expression handling.

Ruby: Number conversion from one base to another

PHP: Curl to fetch html page from HTTPS

Use of __int64 variable in C++

Easiest way to configure Perl/Python with CGI of apache

Configure Php Curl with Apache

Perl: How to move/rename file

Perl string to character array conversion

Perl: Read files from given folder or directory

Linux: copy file with preserving permission

Write web spider to scrape data using Java

Regular Expression to handle negative number

Perl two dimensional array handling

Use trunc in select query with group by clause - Oracle

Make a directory using C++ for windows

Easiest way to Swap in Perl

Trim a string in Perl